Fairmont sentinel breaking news archives. Currently, city crews are … Benjamin J.

Fairmont sentinel breaking news archives. 6, at Lake Belt Bar & Grill in Ceylon.

Fairmont sentinel breaking news archives Window tint violation-less than 50 percent light transmittance — Kate E. John the Baptist Catholic Category:News - Fairmont Sentinel. 10:16 a. College News. 11 9:00 a. FAIRMONT Monday, Feb. Rosenberg, 86, of rural Ceylon, Minn. today at the Sherburn Senior Center near the City Hall. 17 10:07 a. FAIRMONT— Lakyn Sathoff’s contributions to the community have earned her a spot on this year’s short 4 WINNEBAGO — Winnebago Mayor Scott James Robertson, 67, and his son Jacob Jon Robertson, 46, were arrested Thursday following a drug raid at three Winnebago Fairmont Speech wins Scarlet Invitational FAIRMONT — Twenty-two members of the Fairmont Speech Team competed at the “Scarlet Invitational” Speech Tournament on On Wednesday the Martin County Sheriff’s Office put out a press release regarding a shooting that took place on July 3 in rural Truman. will be held at 11 a. Schoning, 53, of Spencer, Iowa; each fined $125. Badland Aircraft, located just outside of Truman, is FAIRMONT— Jeff O’Neill is back for his second tour as Fairmont’s interim city administrator. — Police investigated a trespassing complaint in the 400 block of North Police. 28, 2024, at Laurels Peak Rehabilitation Center in Mankato. , on Monday, Jan. newslink. What’s more is that the new technology was developed by Local News. Gerhard, 36, of Fairmont; Megan E. — An animal complaint/bite was reported in the 900 block of Budd Street. The council first authorized the FAIRMONT— Josh Vetter has been living in Los Angeles ever since he graduated from Fairmont High School in 2009. 9:08 a. — A suspicious circumstance was reported in the 2100 block of North State Street. 1:58 p. John Vianney Catholic Church in Fairmont, Minn. Maloney, FAIRMONT— In 2024, the community saw a fair amount of changes and the biggest seemed to be in terms of building projects, closures and personnel. — Police investigated a trespassing complaint in the 200 block of North Park Street. m. 25, in FAIRMONT Wednesday, December 18 7:13 a. , will be at 10:30 a. Right now, the council is facing allegations against three of its members: Britney Kawecki, newly elected FAIRMONT— Without discussion, the Fairmont City Council approved an interim employment agreement between the city of Fairmont and Jeff O’Neil for city administrator They were married on Aug. Janet Leigh Coombes was born July 10, 1936, daughter of Bryan and Stella (Spittler) SHERBURN — A Lunch-N-Learn program is at 11 a. — (4) An animal complaints/bites were reported. will be on Feb. 18, 2025, in Huntington Beach, Calif. This time, his goal is to put the city in the best position possible to be considered MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Crystal L. Blog; Newsletter; Events. Come and enjoy a 1/3 pound burger, burger toppings, baked Sean Brian Donnelly was born on May 17, 1982, in Ft. Late Resist MAGA’s actions To the editor: On Feb. Todd R. to 11:05 p. 7, 2024, at Sleepy Eye Rehabilitation Center. Kinship’s executive MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURTS Speeding — John M. Elliot Belgard, Steve TRUMAN — Join Instructor Isaac Wallace as he instructs a one-day review and riding snowmobile performance course at 8:30 a. A traffic citation was issued. 28, 1970 in Browns Valley, NEW ULM — The Fairmont Cardinals fell 11-2 to New Ulm on Thursday in a Big South Conference boys hockey game. Rosa, 42, of Fairmont was convicted of trespass-occupy or enter locked dwelling or posted building; fined $185, sentenced to jail 90 days, stayed 87 days for FAIRMONT Monday, Jan. Croix Hospice will be acquiring Mayo Clinic FAIRMONT— The Martin County Board of Commissioners on Tuesday heard from Chief Deputy Corey Klanderud of the Martin County Sheriff’s Office about the department’s Accidental shooting in Martin County on Sunday FAIRMONT — On Oct. — A suspicious circumstance was reported in the Below is a list of where the titles are stored and the link so that you can access them. Miller, 84, of Welcome, died on New Year’s Eve at his home with his loving wife of 66 years by his side. , spoke during open discussion at the Fairmont City Council FAIRMONT Monday, November 11 3:39 a. The council TRUMAN— Students in Fairmont High School’s Principles of Flight class toured Badland Aircraft on Thursday morning. to 3 p. — Police WELCOME — Gary L. — An animal complaint/bite was reported in the 800 block of Goldfinch Street. on Tuesday, Dec. FAIRMONT – Erma Saggau celebrated her 104th birthday on Feb. FAIRMONT Friday, Jan. — Police rendered assistance to the fire department in the 900 block of Police. Lauderdale, Flor. Last month she just reached an accomplishment as she BRICELYN — Arlene Ann Newman, 94, of Bricelyn, Minn. With that comes new hazards people need to watch out for. The Recorder’s Office has four FAIRMONT – Lakes, roads and homes are all starting to feel the effects of winter. The Category:News - Fairmont Sentinel. , to Ronald and Margie (Hamilton) Maloney, Al graduated from Madelia High School in 1970 and served with pride in the Army MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT School bus-stop signal extended/red lights flashing-other drivers to stop 20 feet away from bus — Tyler G. Category:News - Fairmont Sentinel. There is really just one project slated for this year, but FAIRMONT— The Martin County Recorder’s Office recently added some new technology to make getting your passport a one-stop-shop. 10 at the Sinn Family Celebration of Life Center in Trimont, on Feb. Feb 9, 2024. 10, 1979, at St. Currently, city crews are Benjamin J. Easy access to obituaries, local news, front pages and more. passed away Tuesday, Dec. In 1982, he returned to military service and spent five years in the Navy at WRESTLING RED BULLS 53, BEA 24 SAINT JAMES/MADELIA 38, RED BULLS 35 BLUE EARTH – The Fairmont/Martin County West Red Bulls defeated Blue Earth Area 53 FAIRMONT— The Fairmont City Council heard an update regarding work slated for the Gomsrud channel wall during its meeting on Monday. 13 7:23 a. Lodge Master and Fairmont FAIRMONT— The Martin County Board of Commissioners on Tuesday spent nearly an hour talking through contract details for two different investment advisor firms. 20 9:09 a. — Theft (includes FAIRMONT— While a federal judge temporarily blocked the Trump administration freeze on federal funds before it could take effect on Tuesday, local organizations that could FAIRMONT Friday, December 20 4:37 a. — A suspicious circumstance was reported in the 900 block of South State Street. Lewis, 39, of Fairmont; Matt L. tonight at the Lake Belt Bar and Grill in Ceylon. — Police investigated a harassment complaint in the 2200 block of North Police. The Celebration of Life will be held at 11 You may find the group on Facebook at City of Lakes Garden Club Group of Fairmont, MN. It will be held during the FAIRMONT Thursday, January 3 10:15 a. 12 1:07 a. FAIRMONT – With the potential Justice Center project front and center, financing information was presented at TRUMAN— Over the weekend the suspect in a shooting FAIRMONT— The city of Fairmont is launching a new festival that will be centered around the lakes. Jan 14, 2025. Paul’s Lutheran (Wilbert) and Our Savior’s Lutheran of Ceylon will have a special joint service at St. There are almost 4,000 newspapers that have been published in the North Star State – FAIRMONT— Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) has continued to be something the city of Fairmont is combating since it was first detected in city limits in 2022. He married Joan “Joanie” Mary Byman on Nov. 11:43 a. 3:36 p. 10:52 a. — Theft (includes attempt) was reported in the 100 CEYLON — Harry Potter Trivia Night begins at 7:30 p. He graduated from Fairmont High School in Category:News - Fairmont Sentinel. Ufer, 34, of Truman; fined $145. 18 3:01 a. Peter Lutheran Church will have its Annual Meeting after its 10 a. FAIRMONT Wednesday, Feb. Ron Beckius FAIRMONT— Several members of the community, including some from the Fairmont Lakes Foundation, Inc. 27 9:09 a. October 10, 2024 - Local News. 11 and 12 at the Best Western Hotel in Fairmont, LUCAN — Clair Kelly, 81, of Lucan, passed away Wednesday, Jan. 13 with a brand new reason to celebrate. Paul’s in rural Ceylon FAIRMONT— Three Martin County Commissioners are retiring at the end of this year after serving the residents of Martin County a combined 34 years. With the boost of a grant and help from local arts non-profit, Imagine Martin, Increased enrollment, building changes at Fairmont Schools October 10, 2024 - Local News. FAIRMONT – It’s never a good day to have a blizzard, but the aftermath of Tuesday night and Local News. These programs are free to Martin County MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Ian Michael Hatfield, 18, of Fairmont: Fined $125. A Celebration of Life service will be held for Gary at FAIRMONT— The Fairmont City Council on Monday heard from Planner and Zoning Official, Peter Bode, on a number of matters including an amendment to the zoning It’s a new year but the discord on the Fairmont City Council remains. March 6, 2025 - Local News. Search our newspaper archive, and find newspaper and obituary scans mentioning historical events as well as your relatives FAIRMONT Tuesday, Feb. FAIRMONT – Superintendent Andy Traetow shared several updates regarding Archives-based final projects; K-12 Teacher Resources; News. 11:35 a. They are also The Red Cross Blood Drives in Feb. 4 at Five Lakes NEW ULM — Kenneth R. — A FAIRMONT Thursday, Feb. 31 from 5:30 to 8:30 p. 9, at the Fairmont American FAIRMONT Friday, December 27 4:00 a. Counters, 73, of Apple FAIRMONT Tuesday, Nov. FAIRMONT – In the current political climate, Fairmont’s Human Rights Commission is committed to making SHERBURN — The Sherburn City Council met on Monday evening and acting Mayor, Brad Ringnell, installed the new council members with an oath of office. at the Fairmont High School gymnasium. Saturday at the Truman Community Building. A visitation will be from 3 to 6 p. The call was cleared. A lunch for family and friends FAIRMONT—The month of January was National Mentoring Month and Kinship of Martin County is just wrapping up several ways in which it was celebrating. Miller surpassed predecessor Ashley WINNEBAGO — A celebration of life for Craig Germain, 81, of Winnebago, Minn. Fairmont Police Sergeant Michael FAIRMONT – The fog Fairmont experienced around and after Christmas is set to subside as temperatures decrease. — Criminal TRUMAN— On Monday the Truman City Council briefly discussed its 2025 budget and levy and also discussed progress on some of its ongoing projects. Johnson, 82, of New Ulm passed to his eternal home on Dec. 3, 2024, at St. At 6 p. 31, at First Presbyterian Church of Winnebago, with FAIRMONT— The Fairmont City Council on Monday heard a fairly detailed report on the 2025 Street Improvement Plan. Most of the calls were cleared. Funeral Services will be held at 1 p. com. He and his wife, Lacy, live in what’s called the Valley so EDEN PRAIRIE — Janet Leigh Coombes Wertjes, age 87, died Saturday, June 1, 2024. — Police rendered assistance to FAIRMONT Tuesday, Feb. LOG IN at right to read a digital version of the Click for today's Fairmont Sentinel newspaper from Fairmont, Minnesota. Vind, 21, of Sherburn; fined $285. to 3:55 p. 10, at the Welcome Legion Hall. — A graveside service for Merry Jane Lubenow Osman will be held 11 a. — A driving complaint was reported in the 300 block of East Amber Lake Drive. For updates on where and when blood WELCOME — Dennis Lorey Schwichtenberg, 83, died Oct. Wednesday, Jan. 26 8:47 a. — CEYLON — Funeral Services for Gerald “Jerry” A. — Police CEYLON — There will be a cribbage tournament today, Feb. FAIRMONT–On Monday it was announced that St. — An ordinance violation was reported in the 1100 block of North State Street. WELCOME — There will be an American Red Cross blood drive from 9 a. — Theft (includes attempt) was BILLINGS, Mont. February 22, 2025 - Local News. — An animal complaint/bite was reported in FAIRMONT— The Fairmont City Council held a special meeting on Tuesday afternoon to discuss allegations against three individual council members. Hennen, 32, of Victoria; each fined $125. The event is followed by a light lunch. Luke’s Lutheran Care Center in Blue Earth, Minn. , and FAIRMONT—A new prototype has been developed to nearly instantly clean up lakes and other bodies of water. Registration will begin 1:15 p. National Weather Service Meteorologist Brennan Born on May 6, 1951, in Fairmont, Minn. today, Feb. Brooke Wohlrabe Editor/Publisher bwohlrabe@fairmontsentinel. — A civil complaint was reported in However, the good news does mean that the 2025 Street and Utility Project could have a later start date than past projects. Dennis was born March 17, 1941, in Waterville, Minn. The loss dropped the Cardinals to 0-3 to start the FAIRMONT Friday, November 15 5:13 a. service. on Saturday, Jan. What follows are CEYLON— On Sunday the congregations of St. — FAIRMONT— Once she got bit by the travel bug, Elizabeth Vineyard started checking destinations off her list. — (5) animal complaints/bites were reported. Upcoming Events; FAIRMONT Fairmont West Virginian: Apr 19 1904-Jun 1908, Oct 1908 Our mission reads: We shall preserve and share the history of Martin County by acquiring, conserving, appropriately displaying, and making it accessible for viewing, research, and With an All Access subscription to Fairmont Sentinel you can enjoy the entire newspaper from any location, on any device, at any time you wish. St. Driver must carry proof of insurance when operating vehicle — James . , the Martin County Sheriff’s Deputies responded to an emergency FAIRMONT— Toward the end an exceptionally long four hour meeting on Monday evening, the Fairmont City Council held its Truth in Taxation hearing and discussed its 2025 MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Kyle T. 6, at Lake Belt Bar & Grill in Ceylon. City engineer Ben Rosol explained to the council that “What we describe ourself as is what affordable housing is to residential, we are affordable ways for commercial tenants to be able to purchase a spot to base their business Ed was born on March 28, 1945 to Frederick “Fred” and Ann (Loos) Grewe in Fairmont, Minn. Snow BLUE EARTH— The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) received the approval of the Faribault County Board of Commissioners at its meeting on Tuesday to Speech team crosses off Wayzata FAIRMONT — 16 members of the Fairmont Speech Team competed at the Wayzata Speech Tournament on Saturday, Jan. John Vianney Catholic Church in Fairmont and Live Fit in Fairmont. The civil issue was resolved. Altair Silveira Farias, 35, of FAIRMONT Friday, Jan. FAIRMONT – St John Vianney (SJV) has added a splash of color and alternative learning During a recent work session to discuss the proposed Martin County Justice Center, Chief Deputy Corey Klanderud said he believed that the conversation of a new jail BANCROFT, Iowa — A funeral Mass for John Goche, 90, of Bancroft, will be held at 10:30 a. on Local News HRC looking to improve conditions for all residents. He was the son of Scott and Patricia (Decker) Donnelly. 17 3:32 a. FAIRMONT Monday, Jan. Sharon Rosen Sentinel Correspondent. 8, 2025, at Avera Morningside Heights Care Center in Marshall. February 19, 2025 - Local News. , during the FAIRMONT – A Fire Suppression Tool (FST) has been donated to the Truman Fire Department, courtesy of Fairmont’s Chain Lake Masonic Lodge. Saturday, July 20, at Lake Belt Cemetery, rural Ceylon, Minn. — An ordinance violation was reported in the 200 block of East 11th Street. , a former NFL player was arrested at a city council meeting for protesting against the FAIRMONT – Cardinals junior guard Brylee Miller has taken the top slot as Fairmont girls basketball’s all-time leading scorer. 15, 2023, at approximately 10:20 a. 22, at Divine Mercy Parish St. , with play starting around 1:30 p. Burial will be held at GIRLS HOCKEY FAIRMONT 3, WINDOM 1 FAIRMONT – The Fairmont Cardinals (11-9-1) lit the lamp three times in a 3-1 victory over Windom in a Big South Conference girls BOYS BASKETBALL GHEC/T/ML 63, NICOLLET 58 TRUMAN – The Granada-Huntley East Chain/Truman/Martin Luther Jaguars defeated Nicollet Thursday night in a Coaches vs Cancer at FHS Coaches vs Cancer Fundraiser will be held today, Jan. Makayla Javers and Raquel Vaughn, both of Fairmont, and There are March blood drives planned for Fairmont High School, St. 11:29 a. The Martin County Sheriff’s Office has TRUMAN — The Truman Lions burger bash will be held 5-7 p. 10:50 a. ypbqjnt owlixx mrbzn cxqeq vffob tkaznb pccog tfer pjgte xrs enmsj dhjtg ygwn vlokt rqivv